3 HVAC Secrets

In this video, you will learn three secrets of heating, ventilation and air conditioning that heating and air conditioning services providers don’t want you to know.

The first secret is that some heating and air conditioning services providers adjust their prices on the basis of how busy they are. It means that they will increase the prices when they are busy and have a lot of work.

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However, they decrease the price when there is less work. So, you should order services when there is less work available in the market.
The second secret is that you need to know is that every thermostat does not need battery in ideal condition. Thermostats don’t work like smoke detector as it is hard wired and the battery is used when there is no power available. However, service providers place batteries in hope that one day these batteries will run dry resulting in stoppage of thermostat. Hence, you will call them for help. In this way, they will sell you something.

Lastly, the third secret is that you can check your own warranty with a lot of brands, some brands do not offer any warranties and contractors often know about this. However, some companies allow you to view warranties on their website. With the help of serial number and information, you can easily check.

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