Installing a metal roof over your home could turn out to be one of the best things that you do. This is especially likely if the job is done by experienced local metal roofers who know the details of working on metal roofing. They should be capable of successfully dealing with something like metal roof pitch change and know all about multi-rib metal roofing. This knowledge can make it possible for them to work fast, safely, and efficiently, giving your home the perfect roof. Ideally, these professionals should also be the ones you call when you need repairs in the future.
On your part, you ought to do research on metal roofing to learn as much as you can so that you’re in a position to make the right call. To this end, find out what a multi-rib metal roof and learn about its pros and cons. Search for the details of a next-generation metal roof as well so that you can confidently decide whether to get one or not. The roofer that you engage with could also help you make the right decision, and this is why you need to find an experienced one.

The pictures are incredible.
Frozen leaves.
Two thin sheets of ice that slid of intact still bearing the image of the American flag, one piece the stars, one piece the stripes.
Initially, many of the photos that people post on the social media sites are beautiful. The ice storm was a force to be reckoned with, so the schools and many of the businesses in the midwest were shut down for two days. As the thawing began, however, the reality of the storm began to sink in. Trees literally draped to the ground with the weight of the ice. Homes with gutters frozen and jammed. Cars slip, sliding their way into work once the roads were passable again.
For days you would hear loud crashes as the large sheets of ice lost their grip and can crashing to the ground. For all of the beauty that this frozen storm brought to the area, it clearly also brought a lot of damage as well. As the melting continued, in fact, new kinds of damage occurred. One of the most strange kinds of damage, however, was caused by the enormous sheets of razor sharp ice that would, without warning, finally lose their grip on the metal roofs around town, and come crashing to the ground.
Both frightening and dangerous, these large sheets could feel like weapons to unsuspecting people or animals who are nearby. They sounded loud when the made impact with the ground; they felt heavy; and the resulting large pieces could immediately refreeze to the still frozen concrete driveways and sidewalks. It was easy to tell the new metal roofs from the old metal roofs as you made your way across town. And while some of the ice breakers that limited the size of the sheets of ice that fell to the ground were part of a new roof installation, others were after market add ons that could make an old roof’s surface less prone to releasing the biggest, heaviest, and most dangerous pieces of ice.
Residential and Commercial Building Owners Consider Many Aspects When They Install a New Roof
A roof on a home or a business is one of those things that can be taken for granted as long as everything is going well and the building is not in the process of being bought or sold. When, however, leaks occur, a storm causes damage, or the property is listed for sale, the roof is of prime concern. Few things, in fact, can impact the value of a building like the installation of a new roof. On the flip side, few things are more concerning than an older roof that is showing it age.
Winter weather can really show both the strengths and weaknesses of a roof. Leaks that are exposed during the thawing and refreezing that occurs during the cold winter months can lead to substantial damage. And while the newest roofs are built, or should be built, to withstand snow loads of 15 to 30 pounds per square foot, older roofs can literally sag with the weight of heavy snowfall.
One of the advantages of metal roofing, in fact, can be its ability to withstand heavy snowfalls. Additionally, the slope of most commercial metal roofing encourages both snow and ice to slide off the surface before it accumulates and becomes too heavy. With add ons like ice breakers, in fact, it is only small, thin amounts of snow and sheets of ice that slide to the ground.
Local roofing contractors are likely the best resource for finding out what kinds of products work in a certain region, and can even show various examples in the area of roofing products that are both working well or failing miserable. In some locations in the country, and for some specific purposes, a metal roof has many advantages, including:
- Metal roofing materials can last a lifetime, whereas other materials like asphalt can require reproofing every 10 to 20 years.
- In some states, like Texas, a homeowner can get an insurance break of as much as 35% by installing a metal roof.
- Metal roofing materials can save 25% in energy costs when they are compared to a dark-grey asphalt shingle.
- Many kinds of metal roofing materials come with a 30 to 50 year manufacturer warranty.