What’s under your feet? How often do you look at your floors? Although it’s true that most people want to pick out fabric swatches, paint colors, and wall coverings when redecorating, think about new carpet styles instead.
New carpet styles and new hardwood floors are usually not the first decorating decisions. But how do your think a bold print or a bright color would look on your floor instead of that neutral shag you’ve had for years? Try walking on a carpet you love instead of something that just blends in. Flooring is one of the largest surface areas in your home just waiting for new carpet styles, a new hardwood floor installation, or even refinishing. Don’t waste your floors when the rest of your room is making a statement. Decorators are taking bold steps with flooring today more that ever. It’s time to get courageous with flooring. New carpet styles and flooring options are what’s hot!
The evolution of flooring has come a long way. Originally, covering your floor in fabric was not even heard of. The word “carpet” was used for wall and table coverings. After trade with Persia in the 18th century, people began using carpets on their floors and new carpet styles became sought after. Hardwood floors have evolved as well. Originally, most homes had 8-inch wide plank style boards while the strip style boards were reserved for better homes. Now the choices are boundless. The arrival of linoleum changed the flooring world, and eventually linoleum became a generic term. Today’s new carpet styles come in more varieties than you can imagine, whether it’s woven, needlfelted, knotted, tufted, or flatweave. New carpet styles are finding their way into into peoples homes.
The color and texture of your flooring is becoming a more important choice in decorating. To spruce up a room, ask yourself how much does a new carpet cost? Find out about wood flooring information. Before you recover your couch or make new curtains, think about flooring. Consumers are finding scads of new carpet styles on the market. Not only that but the origin of these materials is important to many as well. Companies like EcoTimber are making environmentally conscious flooring. Getting eco-friendly bamboo flooring information can be a great first step for those wishing to make that kind of change.
In the end, your room up to you to create. But when there are so many new carpet styles in the marketplace, it pays to make flooring your first stop. Find out about new carpet installation or the installation of hardwood floors. Don’t forget what’s under your feet! This is a great source for more: www.classicfloordesigns.info