How to Stay Safe When Using an Extension Cord

Extension cords are so commonly used that most people forget about the dangers involved with using extension cords. Keep reading to learn how you can stay safe when using an extension cord.

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The first tip to keep you safe when using extension cords is do not fill outlets. Just because there are plenty of outlets in an extension cord, does not mean you should fill them all up.

Second, make sure cords don’t dangle. When you have extension cords dangling, they become a tripping hazard. When inevitable tripped over, the extension cord will be ripped out of the wall. You can avoid this by cleaning up your extension cords.

The third extension cord safety tip is do not plug one extension cord into another. If you plug one extension cord into another extension cord, you could overload the cords or circuits. This could start fires or cause other costly damage.

Lastly, do not plug a three-prong into a two-hole extension cord. Three-prong items should only be plugged into three-prong outlets or three-hole extension cords.

To learn more, watch the video above!


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