Boats, RVs and other vehicles can get damaged by wind, hail, snow, UV, and other elements. Protect them with metal carports. Metal carports are inexpensive and easy way to protect your vehicles and possessions without breaking the bank. Such car ports can even be constructed by yourself. All you need are metal carport kits and a little bit of effort, and you should have a nice carport that protects everything from the elements.
One of the nice things about metal carports and metal garages is that they are environmentally friendly. Most carports use virtually all recycled steel, and 95 percent of the water used in steel manufacture is recycled. This steel recycling also saves the equivalent energy to power 18 million homes for one year. This means that your metal carport is energy efficient.
Another advantage to metal carports are that they are easy to construct. Most of these metal carports only have corrugated steel plates and a few joiners, and come with detailed kits. Assembly only takes an afternoon or so to complete successfully, and you almost never need any outside labor to complete.
Finally, metal car ports are durable. Because they are steel, they can withstand the elements very well. They are also easy to clean, and maintenance is extremely transparent. In fact, you are starting to see the principals of metal carport design in other places. Horse barns, steel barns, silos, and many agricultural structures last far longer than wooden buildings, and are cheaper to operate.
When the first RV was made by Pierce Arrow in 1910, it was chauffeur driven. Modern RVs are entirely do it yourself machines. By extension, your car ports should be. By being durable and protecting your property from the elements, car ports go above and beyond what they need to do to add value. That should be a source of pride among many owners.