When it comes to the material most valued for creating custom metal buildings, steel may just be number one. Considered to be the engineering and construction material with the most versatility the world over, steel has continuously grown in popularity as the go-to material for the fashioning of custom metal buildings, for example, steel carports, garage buildings, barns, and other agricultural structures. Steel is a great commercial building material for custom metal buildings due to its reliability and sturdiness. In contrast to other materials used in the creation of custom metal buildings, steel does not rust. Thus, it is much easier to maintain, and it lasts many years longer than do other metals.
Did you know that 95% of the water used to create steel is actually recycled? As well, annually, Americans recycle far more steel than they do plastic, paper, aluminum and glass combined. The majority of custom metal buildings contain a high percentage of recycled steel content, meaning that there is very little waste in the creation of these structures. Often referred to as the “EnviroMetal” due to its recycle-ability sans loss in quality, steel keeps metal building prices down in an ecologically sound manner. This is good for the planet and good for the economy, too.
For construction projects involving custom metal buildings, there is no better choice than steel. Relying upon steel is a cost effective and environmentally friendly method of creating new structures. There is an old saying that America was built on steel due to its propensity for use in railroads and ship building during the 1900s. That saying remains true to the core of American economic and environmental values in the twenty-first century, as well.