There’s nothing quite like a bed of flowers or beautiful lawn to bring your home together.
On the other hand, a yellow lawn, bare backyard or lack of shrubbery can make a house seem…incomplete. When it comes to your ROI? You can kiss that potential money goodbye! Today’s landscaping design is aware of the common pitfalls that affect many American homeowners, providing everything from basic consultation to more in-depth landscaping tips to make sure you’re never wanting for more. If you’ve been looking around your home and feeling underwhelmed, take a look at the list below and pick up a few landscaping tricks to breathe some new life into your surroundings.
You’ll not just appreciate your home more, you’ll boost your home’s future ROI and gradually save money on your energy bill. Yes, beautiful landscaping is even more incredible than you once thought!
Brush Up On Lawn Care
The average American home, no matter how big or small, is defined by its lovely front lawn. When yours is starting to show yellow patches or refusing to grow? It’s not hard to feel like an utter failure of a homeowner. Keeping your lawn healthy requires a mixture of organic lawn care techniques as well as a few how-to’s. Make sure not to walk on your grass during early morning hours, as this can break frozen grass stalks and make it impossible for them to grow tall during the warmer months. Try to circumvent more toxic chemicals when supplementing your lawn, as well, and instead seek out organic treatments.
Install A Few Lovely Shrubberies
This logic can also extend to some new shrubbery. Beautiful landscaping is the very art of crafting the environment to your will, bringing out the best in plants while adding an aesthetic touch. According to a recent study provided by the U.S. Department Of Energy, energy-efficient landscaping can save you as much as 30% on your heating bills. How does that work? Plants don’t just clear up pollutants in the air, but also absorb warmth and provide shade. This means you’ll get a more beautiful home and a more beautiful air conditioning and heating bill!
Choose A Tree Or Two
Let’s keep going with a tree tor two. Dense trees can block up to 95% of sunlight as well as 75% of heat, which only spells good news for your household. A common frustration many homeowners have concerning the sun is the negative impact it has on both their energy bill and their furniture. Too much sun exposure can bleach fabrics and destroy their texture, leaving you in a bad spot to save money down the road. Trees and shrubbery have also been found by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce bothersome noise by up to 50%.
Embrace A Beautiful Flower Bed
For those that want another hobby to relax with on the weekends, a flower bed isn’t a bad place to start. These lovely additions can imbue your home with some real charm, adding splashes of color and a more organic approach to any brick or cobblestone surroundings. A study recently asked residents of retirement communities what they thought of beautiful landscaping. Nearly 50% confessed beautiful, well-maintained grounds were important, with the rest stating they were essential to a high quality of life. With Joe Nelson landscaping design services you won’t ever have to worry about what you’re getting out of the deal.
Create An Organic Cobblestone Pathway
Last, but not least…a cobblestone pathway can be the unifying factor for your recently installed trees or brand new flowerbed. These can be set up to lead from the front of the house to the back, wrapping around in a quaint path for both convenience and aesthetic. They can also be confined to the backyard to connect to your rows of flowers. A Clemson University study saw homes with ‘excellent’ landscaping generating a sales price of up to 7% higher than equivalent houses with ‘good’ or ‘average’ landscaping. No matter what you pick, you’ll have plenty of benefits to enjoy month after month.
What can beautiful landscaping offer your home this year?