Hurricane preparedness is crucial if you live in a hurricane-prone area. However, buying flashlight batteries and non-perishables right before the hurricane hits might not help your home weather the storm if the entry points of your home are unprotected. If a storm breaches your doors or windows, you’ll be vulnerable to flooding and debris, and the air pressure difference could also bring your roof down.
Hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30, but it’s never to soon to start preparing. Here are some improvements you can make to protect your home against hurricanes:
Windows: Impact-resistant windows are much more capable of surviving a major windstorm than ordinary windows. However, hurricane storm shutters for windows can also be used to augment your current windows. Steel or aluminum storm shutters can be used to keep windows from being broken by storm debris.
Broken windows can actually create dramatic pressure differences inside a home, increasing the chance or roof failure. Storm shutters for windows can be exterior storm shutters that lower on a track system, or they can be jury-rigged from plywood.
Garage Doors: Garage doors are highly vulnerable to wind damage. Consult an inspector if you’re not sure the door and track can stand up to high winds. For garage doors wider than 8 feet, consider installing permanent metal or wood stiffeners, or research supports you can use to strengthen doors as needed.
Doors: Entry doors should have at least three hinges and a deadlock with at least a 1-inch bolt, and should be fastened securely to keep from blowing in. Patio doors, especially sliding glass doors, are more vulnerable to wind damage. Consider impact-resistant laminated glass or plastic glazing, or just cover patio doors with hurricane blinds or the same storm shutters for windows.
Since windows and doors take time to remodel or replace, it’s important to be proactive with hurricane home preparation. Don’t wait until the last minute to upgrade your home. Hurricanes cause more fatalities than any other type of storm. It’s never to early to prepare when the safety of your family is at stake.
Read more: storm-solutions.net