Generally, awnings are an overhang that is installed on the exterior of a home. In their early days, according to historians, they were used by Ancient Egyptians and Syrians in their theaters. Today, however, exterior patio awnings are usually used by homeowners and their families who want to spend as much time as they can outdoors during even the hottest summer days. The heat from direct sunlight could make barbecues and other parties nearly unbearable when it gets too hot, so if you want to get the most out of your outdoor spaces, installing sun awnings is a smart choice.
When it comes to exterior patio awnings, homeowners have several options to choose from, especially when it comes to color. Lighter colored awnings, like pale yellows or beige, will reflect heat and help keep an outdoor area cool. Darker ones, however, like navy or green, might require a bit of ventilation to avoid excessive heat. On top of that, there are several different styles and designs that can all be customized. As a result, there are outdoor patio awnings that fit virtually every home.
Perhaps the best thing about many awnings for decks and other outdoor spaces is that they are retractable and adjustable. Though they are great for providing shade, if you want to lay out and tan under the hot sun, gaze up at the start at night, or when its simply not that hot out, being able to get rid of an awnings can be a luxury. Fortunately, there are retractable awnings that can be brought down in just a matter of minutes, if not faster. And, some of them are even electric and require only the flick of a switch. That flexibility can be perfect for homeowners who want a nice balance on their patio or deck.
One benefit of exterior patio awnings that often gets overlooked is that they can help reduce the amount of energy a home uses. They are usually considered environmentally friendly because they keep a home cool and reduce the amount of time that air conditioning systems have to run. That ability can help lower monthly utility bills for homeowners and make installing outdoor awnings and shades quite worthwhile.
Spending time outdoors during the summer provides welcome relief from cold fall and winter months. But sometimes, the sun can be too burdensome and make it difficult to enjoy outdoor areas. In order to prevent that, and spend as much time taking in the fresh air as you want, you might want to install awnings that provide shade and comfort. Continue your research here.