Each year, thousands of people decide to remodel their homes. There are many advantages to making renovations. For one thing, remodeling can make your home more livable on a basic level; the more your home looks the way you want it to, the more comfortable you’ll be in your home. Renovations can also add a lot of value to a property — while you might not think you’re going to sell your home anytime soon, it’s always a good idea to keep its value as high as possible. With that being said, lots of people buy homes with the express purpose of remodeling and selling them. A redesign can be a tall order, however. Most don’t start out with remodeling an entire home. In fact, just 35% of renovations involve the entire home. This is actually a fairly high number, considering how much work is involved in whole home renovations. Still, for a lot of people, taking it one room at a time is necessary. Below, we’ll look into some of the best possible remodeling jobs for those who want to either make their home more of what they want it to be, or add value to it. Of course, before getting started, you’ll want to find a great contractor. Let’s get started.
1. Bathrooms
Bathrooms obviously have practical purposes, but they also add to a home’s aesthetic. Bathrooms are meant to be places in which people can relax and unwind. Of course, they can also become outdated rather quickly. According to a recent Houzz survey, 60% of people plan on remodeling their bathrooms. They might wish to remodel simply because their bathrooms don’t look the way they want them to — alternatively, the renovations they’re looking for could be a part of making a bathroom more usable. Bathroom remodels can also make bathrooms more efficient. A total of 91% of survey participants reported wanting to install energy efficient toilets during their bathroom remodels. It’s no wonder — inefficient toilets can lead to people spending much more on their monthly water bills. For those same reasons, people often want to replace their showers or bathtubs, as well as their sinks. Adding a tub to a bathroom can greatly enhances its marketability, especially if the bathroom has a separate shower. Preferred by 79% of homeowners, glass shower enclosures were the most popular types of showers available.
2. Kitchens
Kitchen remodeling jobs serve much of the same purpose as bathroom remodels. Kitchens also have practical uses — they aren’t just meant for lounging about like living rooms or bedrooms. People love hanging out in their kitchens; they’re major centers for socialization in typical households. Much of the reason why people choose to have their kitchens remodeled has to do with their kitchens being outdated. You can add a lot of different things to a kitchen to make it more appealing. One of the best possible additions could be adding something completely new, like a pizza oven or even a kitchen island. People also choose purely aesthetic updates to add to kitchens, like granite countertops or attractive backsplashes. But don’t forget the purely practical aspects, like cabinets.
3. Outdoor Spaces
Outdoor spaces like patios can be remodeled — or added as completely new additions to homes. While this isn’t practically necessary, as many kitchen and bathroom remodels are, lots of people find that adding something like a patio or even a pool adds a lot of value to your home. For that matter, it can make it much more enjoyable for you in the long term!