Did you know that most screws are fastened in a clockwise rotation? However, even though screws share this similarity, there are actually quite a few differences between different fasteners. This means that before you obtain a specific type of screw, it is important to determine exactly what you are looking for. By doing so, it will become easier to choose the right screws.
– Head type. One of the main differences between screws is the type of head they have. Flange socket head cap screws, for example, are forms of hex head bolts that are typically fastened using hex wrenches, while flat head screws require the use of slotted screwdrivers, which were the first known heads for screwdrivers. This means that by matching your screw heads to your screwdrivers, you will make the right decision.
– Size. Screws come in a variety of different sizes, and the higher the number, the thicker and wider the screw. Machine screws, for example, can range in diameter up to 0.75 inches because they are commonly used in industrial applications. However, screw sizes are specific for a reason, so in order to complete your job correctly, you must get the exact size you are looking for; nothing more, nothing less.
– Material. Fasteners are also made out of several types of material. Although metal has arguably been the most common screw substance since the 15th century, wood was one of the first materials used to make screws, and wood screws are still around today. This means that whether you need steel flange socket head cap screws or a timber bolt supply, there is an option that is right for you.
Before purchasing fasteners, you must determine which ones you actually need. Fortunately, screws are available in different head types, sizes, and materials, so it is simple to narrow down your search. By using these criteria to help you make a decision, you will end up finding the best fasteners for your needs. Ger more information on this topic here: www.bigbolts.com