Steps to Planning Your House Addition or Renovation

Whether you have built an addition or renovate a home or not, and you would like to, this video is just for you. It gives a detailed 10 step process to planning a home addition or renovation. Each step is broken down with multiple points given so that you get thorough insight on how to get the job done. The video starts with a note to make a list of the reasons why you might want to add on to your home and how to prioritize the list so you get the most out of it.

Thereafter, the recouping value that the addition or renovation will have in the years to come will be discussed and how to go about paying for the addition.

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The video makes sure to not only give tips on how to plan an addition, but it leaves room for your creativity to roam free by asking igniting questions that allow you to come to your own conclusion. The legal aspects, how to plan around the home that stands already, the superstructure of the build, and more, are all aspects of the video that are talked about so you get to plan the addition renovation you would love.

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