Noticing water pooling in your basement during the rainy season and deciding to ignore it is a bad decision to make. When water starts seeping into your basement and into porous components that were used to build your home. Even if it may look little, the water damage builds over time and can yield hazardous results to your home. It doesn’t matter if the water dries up it will still leave behind remnants of its damage that will give way to other problems in your home. The first thing you may be concerned about is where you can seek help for your water damage insurance policy and what the water damage insurance definition is. Is water damage repairable? It is if you act on it quickly and hire professionals who will help you with it. If you and your household are survivors of a flood recently, you need to be vigilant of these signs that your home’s foundation is damaged.
Musty Air in the Basement Area
Even though they are known for having weird smells, basements that have a stale and musty odor are a warning sign that your foundation is at risk due to water damage. Locating the source of the bad odor can be hard and you should consider hiring a professional foundation crew to help you.
CrackS Forming on Walls and Floor of Your Basement
Cleaning up after your basement has been flooded is not a definite solution to restoring your home. Water seeps into the porous building materials and creates cracks in your home’s walls and the rest of your house. Repairing these cracks will not offer a permanent solution
You should instead call in the services of a foundation repair company who will offer you water damage remediation and solution to water damage to painted walls in your home.

The foundation is the part of the house that many of us don’t think of that often — but without a foundation, your house would literally crumble.
That’s why maintaining a foundation that’s kept in good repair is essential to preventing expensive damage to your home. But oftentimes, it’s tough to know what to look for when examining your foundation for damage.
Could your foundation be at risk for water damage?
To find out, read the four most common signs that your home is in need of foundation repair:
1. Basement water leaks: If you notice puddles or pools of water in your basement, especially after it rains, then there is likely a crack in your foundation’s walls somewhere. There should never be any water in your basement. To prevent further damage to your home, seeking the help of foundation repair contractors for fixing basement leaks is necessary.
2. Visible mold growth: Mold can grow in your basement as a result of water leaking through your home’s foundation, and is a major health hazard in addition to looking unsightly. If you notice mold on your basement’s walls, contact basement waterproofing or foundation repair contractors immediately to remove it and repair your foundation.
3. Malfunctioning windows and doors: When your doors and windows fail to open and close properly, it could mean your foundation isn’t doing its job of holding your house up adequately. Foundation repair contractors can help rectify the issue and prevent tens of thousands of dollars in damage.
4. Cracks in your basement’s walls: Have you ever gone down to your basement and discovered a crack in the wall? If so, it’s important to have this crack repaired as soon as possible. These cracks signify a weak foundation, volatile soil, water damage or a combination of all three. Read more here.