A well landscaped yard with a well maintained law can often be a major selling point for a home, but what happens when your lawn just isn’t cooperating for you? If its been a particularly dry summer, you may have spots in your lawn where the grass is very thin, or yellow, or even brown (aka: it’s dead).
You can’t very well go ahead with your contemporary landscape design that you’ve had planned for months until you have a lawn analysis to determine how healthy your lawn is. Although proper landscaping can decrease unwanted noise levels and block unwanted views, it would be a shame to have yellow grass detract from your other beautiful outdoor features.
What is a lawn analysis? A lawn analysis is part of the landscape services often provided by a professional landscaping company. These companies will be able to increase the value of your home by making the view more attractive, which means saying goodbye to bare patches and weeds.
What to expect in a lawn analysis:
- Grass Types. Many lawns don’t have one single type of grass. Instead, they have a mix of a couple different types in order for the lawn to thrive. A landscaping company will be able to tell you what types of grass you have.
- strong>Density. Having a very thick lawn is a great indicator of nutrient-rich soil. A dense lawn also prevents weeds from growing easily by creating a tight network of roots.
- Color. Depending on the color of your grass, this can tell you how healthy the lawn is. Obviously brown and yellow are no good, yet depending on the type of grass, “healthy” could mean a different color for each species.
- Thatch. This is the layer of living and dead plant debris that lies on top of the soil, but is hidden by the healthy, living grass. If this layer is too thick, it could prevent new grass from growing as well as disease and insect problems.
- Disease. A professional landscaping company will be able to determine if you lawn has any diseases, or can recommend what types of fertilizer or pesticides to use to prevent certain diseases.
- Soil. Do you have acidic, alkaline, clay, or a loamy soil? Not sure what half of that was? No worries, a professional will be able to determine which you have and how to properly care for your lawn.
- Mowing. Professionals will tell you how often or how little to mow your lawn. Some species of grass grow quicker than others and thrive off of a regular mowing, but other species do not agree with the lawn mower.
To keep your lawn looking green and healthy all year, it is a good idea to have a landscaping service come in to do a yearly lawn analysis to make sure everything is thriving well. More like this article.