One of the cruelest manifestations of inequality, poverty, and discrimination is homelessness. It affects people of any gender, background, and age. Over 1.6 billion people across the globe are forced to live in housing conditions that are inadequate. Of that 1.6 billion, nearly 15 million people were evicted forcefully. Just within the past 10 years,…
Month: December 2020
LDS Charities Peters Roof
Video Source On April 2, 2010, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints posted a YouTube video from one of its church groups recounting the repair of the roof of a man named Peter by a team of 11 of its members. The donated roof repairs represent one of the many activities of the…

Fixing Up Rooms And Homes Products You Should Consider As A Contractor
There are millions of homes throughout the United States. While homeowners focus on the safety and maintenance of their homes, there are occurrences when their focus shifts. This focus changes to a focus on remodeling and transformations. After all, homeowners want their homes to adhere to a certain aesthetic and become pleasing, beautiful, and eye-catching…

Helping Habitat for Humanity Build Sustainable Net Zero Homes
Video Source Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region continues to go strong by partnering with various companies to provide homeownership to residents. One of these companies is James Hardie which is a proud partner that donates siding to Habitat for Humanity in the Grand Traverse Region. Many people, like Anthony Gleason, who is a retired…

Tips to Make Your Home More Sustainable
Your home is a vital part of your life. It’s the place that keeps you comfortable and safe, and right now, with the pandemic still raging across the world, it’s probably where you spend almost all of your time. So keeping it running as smoothly as possible is important. In a much larger sense, the…